Description of Anas radi Allahu anhu. '107, Rasulullah (saas) had a ring made of silver and its (inlaid) gem was also of silver.108. Tirmidhi, Shamail-e-Tirmizi, Kitab Bhavan Publication, New Delhi, 1997, p.47. Fatimah bint MUHAMMAD 604-632. She was also known by the name Khawla. '104, Allahs Apostle (saas) went out one morning wearing a cloak made of (camels or sheeps) black hair with patterns of camel saddles upon it.105, I was once going to Madina. He was slightly taller than a man of middle height, but shorter than a tall person. He was the most modest, without pride, and his tongue was most eloquent without prolongation of speech. It is impossible to accurately describe actual beauty and elegance of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). Summary Thaqlain, in collaboration with Al-Hujjah Islamic Seminary, presents "Our Prophet", a comprehensive, informative and engaging series on the life of Prophet Muhammad (s) featuring Sayed Mohammed Baqer al-Qazwini. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings), Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2001,VolumeII, p.241, 121. You cannot, as the popular saying goes, separate the message from the messenger. The Wise Leader Nation and Nationhood: What Would Muhammad Do? The Prophet (s) had a most handsome constitution. He was not pompous, nor denigrating. He made salaam to whomsoever he met, COMMENTARY He had black attractive eyes. If his hair became parted naturally in the middle he left it so, otherwise he did not habitually make an effort to part his hair in the middleRasulullah (saas) had a very luminous complexion (color), and a wide forehead. The wise respected him in accordance with their degree. His modest habit was to look at something with a light eye, i.e. His assembly was one of clemency, modesty, patience and trust. His expression was pensive and contemplative, serene and sublime. He valued a gift / blessing, even if it was small. By describing Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) in this manner, there is however no exaggeration because the complete beauty of appearance of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) cannot be fully described. His face was round like the moon. (Bara bin Azib) Habib Ali taught three classes on the portrait (shama'il) of the Prophet Muhammad as mentioned in the famous tradition of Hind ibn Abi Hala. To draw a pen-picture of his appearance is beyond ones capability, but the Sahabah (Radiallahu anhum) have endeavoured, according to their capabilities, to preserve what little they could, of which some is written here. Ab Al-Faraj Al ibn al-Husayn ibn Hind (d. 1032) [1] was a Persian [2] poet, a man of letters, and a practitioner of Galenic medicine coming from Rey. were large, likewise the portion between the two shoulders was broad and fully fleshed. He praised what was good and encouraged it and disliked what was ugly and foul and discouraged it. He would attract them (the people) and not repel them. His blessed hair had four plaits.87, The grooming of the Prophet (saas)s hair and beard. That appeared in Part IV of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Stories of the Prophets), under the heading Some Attributes of the Prophet Muhammad (saas): The blessed one had a beautiful appearance, his limbs were in perfect proportion, his body was well-formed, his forehead and chest and the distance between his shoulders were broad. The body did not have much hair. The complexion of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was white with redness in it. He did not pass a single night hoarding a single dirham or dinar. In the first narration mentioned by Sayyidina Anas (Radiallahu anhu), it is denied that Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was very white. His neck was beautiful and thin, like the neck of a statue shaved clean, the color of which was clear, shining and beautiful like silver. Some gave the smile of his beauty to that of the full moonHis nose was thin His face was smoothHis beard was thickHis neck was the most beautifulIf the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold The place between his shoulders was wide.67, The Messenger of Allah, was not excessively tall or short. back. Subjects. Allah favored the Prophet Muhammad (saas) over all beings, and declared him to be the Final Seal of the Prophets. (Surat al-Ahzab: 40) No prophet would be sent after him, and the Quran would be the last revelation to guide people onto the true way. Hind ibn Abi Hala (the son of Muhammad's wife Kadijah) described Muhammad (pbuh) as follows:"The Messenger of Allah was of consecutive sorrows, continuous thought, never finding rest, long in silence. If you wish to read more about the love of the Sahabah (Radiallahu Anhummale and femalefor Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) read Chapter Eight of my book `Stories of the Sahabah (Radiallahu Anhum). In them, they would respect their elders, be merciful to their children, give preference to those in need, and protect the stranger.". After washing his hands and face, he drank from the water, and told his companions; pour some of its water on your faces and chests.148, All praise is due to Allah Who has made it delicious and sweet by His grace and has not made it either salty or unsavory.149. He was cautious about four things: in adopting something good which then would be followed, in abandoning something bad which then would be abandoned, in striving to determine what would be beneficial for his nation and in establishing for them what would combine the business of this world and the next. He was not severe, harsh-hearted, loud, abusive, or miserly. Hind ibn Abu Halah's (ra) Description of the Prophet (saw) Yasrab Shah Context: This most comprehensive description of the Messenger of Allah (saw) is taken from Imam at-Tirmidhi's (rh) ash-Shama'il an-Nabawiyyah (The Prophetic Traits) and Qadhi 'Iyadh's (rh) ash-Shifa' (The Healing). Thick, sometimes touching ear lobes and sometimes reaching upto shoulders.- (Bara bin Azib) He would not speak unnecessarily. He died in the year 110 Hijri. He was not negligent, fearing that people would become negligent or weary. These are some of them: The Prophet (saas) was the greatest of the Arabs in oratory and beauty of speech. Hierdie artikel is 'n saadjie. The bones of his joints were strong and large (denoting strength). It is reported from Ali (Radiallahu Anhu): Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam was neither very tall nor very short. Hind ibn Abi Hala (the son of Muhammad's wife Kadijah) described Muhammad (pbuh) as follows: "The Messenger of Allah was of consecutive sorrows, continuous thought, never finding rest, long in silence. All the parts of his body were of moderate size, and fully fleshed. His neck was like that of a statue made of pure silver. Here the gaze of the killer hasnt lifted modestly. Red lines in the white parts, wide sockets, and natural grey corners. (Jabir bin Samra), Nose: The fingers and toes were moderately long. We sometimes think that our particular version of Islam is better than others and unfortunately we can sometimes be quite narrow-minded. In the same manner I saw Jibra-eel (Alaihis salaam). Any person who saw him suddenly would become awe-inspired. Allah adorned him with all the qualities and good administration, At the time when the Quran was being revealed to him, he used to smile most. If he was amazed, he overturned it. When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigour, as if he were descending to a low-lying place. Al-Hasan [ra] said, I refrained from mentioning this to [my younger brother] al-Husain ibn Ali [ra] for a time. COMMENTARY. The bones of his joints were strong and large (denoting strength). Ultimately I came to the conclusion that Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was more handsome, beautiful and more radiant than the full moon., If the illumination in the temple and sanctuary is through the sun and moon, so what. As for his appraisal, it lay in constantly observing and listening to people [to be just]. When an unfulfilled lover is deprived of meeting the beloved then he stands in front of the beloveds house remembering the features of his beloved, in an attempt to gain some solace. COMMENTARY. Read More Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students will be able to: We will find that within our homes, we have Gardens of Paradise. The portion between his two shoulders was wide. Knowledge. Allahs Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) was constantly sympathetic with sorrows, persistent in thought, having no repose, prolonged in silence. Moderately wide. (Hind bin Abi Hala), Teeth: He said, "The Messenger was imposing and majestic. Whenever he uttered something, the listeners would hear him with rapt attention and whenever he issued a commandment, they vied with each other in carrying it out. Flashcards. After his experience in the cave of Hira, Muhammad returned home to Khadija in a state of terror, pleading for her to cover him with a blanket.After calming down, he described the encounter to Khadija, who comforted him with the . Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. There is no confusion or difficulty in these differences, because he may have seen them on both occasions. Data safety. Wo ek muqaddas bete the, ek bap the aur ek shauhar the. I never saw anybody or anything more handsome than him. When he looked at something he turned his whole body towards it. This proposal called for the. He spoke clearly, word by word.117, They said: The Messenger of Allah used to talk little and every thing was expressed in this brief talk. facing upwards].When he talked, he held/struck his right thumb in his left palm. He walked at a quick pace and took rather a long step. He gave everyone who sat with him his share so that no one who sat with him thought that anyone was honoured more than he was. Allah (SWT) commissioned him at the age of forty. You cannot, as the popular saying goes, separate the message from the messenger. When he walked, he walked as though he were going down a hill. He could hear from a long way off and see further than anyone. A Description of 'A'isha - The Prophetic Life in Focus - Sh. Hadith: On the authority of 'Ali ibn Abu alib (ra) that when he described the Prophet (saw), he would say: 'He was neither excessively tall, nor short, but rather was of a medium stature among (his) people. He made salaam (greeted) first to whomsoever he met.113, I saw Rasulullah (saas) in the masjid (in a very humble posture) sitting. He forbade upon himself three things: Argument, arrogance, and that which did not concern him. Sayyidina Abu Tufayl (Radiallahu anhu) was the last one among the Sahabah (Radiallahu anhum) to pass away. When he was angry, he turned away and averted his face. Broad forehead, slanting thick brows parted in the middle. He did not speak without cause. Whoever came to him with a request was never turned away except with that which they had asked for or with a kind word. Those he most esteemed were those who supported / served and helped [people]. Mary, Jesus, Abraham, and Muhammad: A Shared Legacy, The Seven Phases of Prophet Muhammads Life, Earthquake Between Allahs Punishment and Universal Phenomenon, Months of the Islamic Calendar: Their Meanings. However the glitter of a sword has more whiteness than being luminous. Thin and bright, symmetrical, openings in front teeth. (Hazrath Ibn Abbas) (He did not have a small mouth). The names of the . A vein protruded between the two parts which became more prominent in anger. (Hind bin Abi Hala), Color: He concerned himself with them and kept them busy doing things that were good for them and the community. His expression was very sweet and distinct. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings), Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2001,VolumeII, p.243, 138. He forbade upon himself three things: Argument, arrogance, and that which did not concern him. Islam and Christianity, The Superior Morality and Habits of Hadrat Muhammad, 89. I saw Esa (Alaihis salaam). Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) did not have hair on the parts of his body, besides places like the arms and legs etc.) He would never praise his food nor criticize it. His beard was full and dense. He had a provision for every occasion and he never fell short of justice nor exceeded it. This is what the Prophet (saas) had to say about milk: When one of you eats food, he should say: O Allah, bless us in it, and give us food (or nourishment) better than it. When he is given milk to drink he should say: O Allah! The Messenger of Allah (saw) was imposing and majestic. His speech was just, with neither excess nor deficiency. Praise be to Allah, the All-Powerful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, the All-Generous, the Noble, the Compassionate Lord, the One who revealed the Wise Remembrance and the Glorious Qur'an to the Envoy, whom He sent to convey the Right Religion and the Straight Path. His expression was pensive and contemplative, serene and sublime. (Surat al-Baqara: 25). He was neither very white, nor very brown.70, I never saw someone more handsome than Rasullullah. When one first looked at him, it seemed as if he had a large nose, but looking at it carefully showed that the lustre and beauty made it look large, otherwise in itself the nose was not large.. Anyone who described his noble features can only say: I have not seen anyone like Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) neither before nor after him.. His manners were fine. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 224, 125. He who first set eyes upon him feared him, but he who associated with him loved him. At that time there were not more than twenty white hair on his mubarak (blessed) head and beard. (This will be described in detail in the chapter on white hair of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). The hairs of his eye lashes were profuse When he smiled or laughed, they (his teeth) shone like lightning. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. The uncle descirbed the noble features by saying: He had great qualities and attributes in him, others also held him in high estemm. Obeyed, liked, neither verbose nor cryptic.. His gatherings were those of knowledge, humbleness, patience, and integrity. If he gestured, he did so with his whole palm. That is why he said, that there was no one left besides him who had seen Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). Holy prophet muhammad (p.b.u.h.) He did not take small steps. He stayed in Mecca ten years and at Medina for ten years and Allah (SWT) the Mighty, the Majestic made him die when he was sixty. (LogOut/ Some of the information that was conveyed through the inner circle of the Prophet (saas) about his clothing are below: I saw the Messenger of Allah (saas) ask for a new garment. The soles of both feet were very fleshed. (Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 118), Hassan (ra) says: He was never given a choice between two matters but he chose the simplest of the two. Besides this line neither the chest nor the stomach had other hair on it. 103. He treated his servants well. In the manner that no one had reached a higher status than Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) in `Kamalaate Manawiyyah, (super intellectual status) likewise in the `Surah Zaahiri (outward appearance) no one could excel him. That chosen Prophet (saas) was shining in appearance. According to some a wide mouth means eloquence (fluency of language). And he relieved the people of three: He would not degrade any among them or abuse them, he would not search after their honor or private matters, and he would not speak except in matters which he hoped to be rewarded for. Home. Otherwise he usually looked down towards the ground. He spent long periods in silence. He had a strip of hair from the top of the chest to the navel. When he retired to his house, he divided his time into three parts one part for Allah, one for his family and one for himself. In the first chapter fourteen ahaadith are quoted. The portion between his two shoulders was wide. He would introduce and conclude his speech with: 'Bismillahi ta'ala [In the Name of Allah, Exalted is He]!' If the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. He did not speak without cause. back, Jaabir bin Samurah (Radiallahu anhu) says: Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) had a wide mouth. His lip was most beautifulHis beard was thickHis neck was most beautiful, neither long, nor short. He said, When you find someone asking for something he needs, then give it to him. He never struck a servant nor a woman, and I never saw him taking revenge for an injustice dealt him, except if the prohibitions of Allah were transgressed. He was not very pallid nor dark. In one of his Shamail classes earlier this year, Shaykh Mohammed Aslam discussed the significance of this traditional design: "It was from the practice of the early Muslims, that they would frame the Hilya Sharif and put it up in their homes, and teach it to their children. Zejnebja, vdiq n prill 630. When he spoke his attendees would lower their heads as if birds had alighted upon them. He had patience with the strangers when they were gruff in speech and requests, to a degree that his companions would fetch them to him. Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) faced the person he spoke to, with his chest and body. Other narrators of this hadith include the grandsons of the Prophet (saw), al-Hasan (ra) who was seven years old when the Prophet (saw) passed away and his younger brother by two years al-Husain (ra). He never in his life struck anything with his hand except when he was fighting in the name of Allah. The Messenger of Allah (saw) held his tongue except regarding what concerned people. The main narrator of this hadith is the Companion, Hind ibn Abu Halah (ra) who is Lady Khadijahs (ra) son from a previous husband, i.e. Among the people he appeared to rise higher than others. (Bara bin Azib) There was a vein between them that used to expand when he became angry. She was born in Mecca, probably the fifth of their six children. It has rivers flowing under it and its foodstuffs and cool shade never fail. His blessed glance was focused more to the ground than towards the sky. [ 8] A Beauty Most Sublime A Commentary on the Hadith of Hind ibn Abi Hala Course Overview This course covers the science of Shama'il, or the description of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) based on the famous hadith by Hind ibn Abi Hala. The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam combined both outward and inward perfection. His chest was broad. If he gestured, he did so with his whole palm. While walking he asked his companions to walk in front, and he himself walked behind. He was neither very white, nor very brown. Some of these accounts are as follows: The Prophet (saas)s external appearance and beauty. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings), Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2001,Volume II, p.250, 75. He did not censure anything nor criticise or praise the taste of food. When he pointed, he did so with his whole hand. Pinging is currently not allowed. In complexion, he was he was neither very white like lime, nor very dark, nor brown which results in darkness (he was illuminant, more luminous than even the full-moon on the 14th night). Nor did I smell any musk or any other fragrance, more sweet smelling than the fragrance of Rasullullah (saas).126, I never smelt ambergris or musk as fragrant as the fragrance of the body of Allahs Messenger (saas) and I never touched brocade or silk and found it as soft as the body of Allahs Messenger (saas).127. As Muslims, we can get quite emotional and sensitive about our identities. This was not due to his hight, but was a result of a Mujizah (Miracle). He asked her: "Where you have got this from . It is therefore only natural to wish to study the life of Muhammad (pbuh), his manners and his morals, and to see how Islam manifested itself in his person as a living example for all Muslims till . He would inquire after his companions and would ask the people about their affairs. I did not see anyone walk faster than him, as is the earth folded for him. This is a difficult subject to write about. He used to call the people, high or low towards Allah. No worldly duties could keep him busy. Occasionally he used to part his hair in the middle with a comb etc. Hind ibn Abi Hala (the son of Muhammad's wife Kadijah) described Muhammad (pbuh) as follows: "The Messenger of Allah was of consecutive sorrows, continuous thought, never finding rest, long in silence. He had no rest and he only spoke when it was necessary. It was allowed him to enter his house for his own comfort. If he entered into his home he was a man like any other; cleaning his own garment, milking his own goat, and serving himself. He had thick wrists, wide palms, thick hands and feet. The course covers the science of Shama'il, or the description of the Prophet based on the famous hadith by Hind ibn Abi Hala. On another occasion, the Prophet (saas) said: Water was created pure and nothing makes it impure except that which changes its color, taste and smell.150, Some of the Prophet (saas)s finer traits. When her husband came back, he was surprised to find with her a quantity of milk. He did not find fault with nor over-praise people. He never responded to disparagement or evil words. His blessed face shone like the full moon. he looked at a thing, with modesty and bashfulness, hence he did not stare at anything. The hair of Rasulullah (saas) reached till half of his ears.84, The blessed hair of Rasulullah (saas) was longer than those that reached the ear lobes, and shorter than those that reached the shoulders.85, Rasulullah (saas) was of average height, and the portion between the two shoulders was wide. Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 33, Number 4151, 93. July 29, 2012. When someone asked him for something he needed, he either departed with it or with some consoling words. Umm Hakim known as alBayda' (the fair one) was the wife of Karir ibn Rabi'ah ibn Habib ibn `Abd Shams. His speech was well set and free from the use of superfluous words, as if it were rosary of beads. back, It is related from Ebrahim bin Muhammad (Radiallahu anhu) who is from the sons (grand sons of Ali radiallahu anhu, that whenever Ali radiallahu anhu described the nobel features of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), he used to say: Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was neither very tall nor short, but of a medium stature among people. I desire you, what should I do with my sight., Abu-Ishaaq (Radiallahu anhu) says: A person once asked Baraa bin Aazib (Radiallahu anhu), Was the face of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) shining like a sword? He replied: No but like a full-moon with its roundness., COMMENTARY His messages had a great effect on people, and everyone took great pleasure in talking with him. When he was surprised about something, he turned his palm upside down, [i.e. It may also be possible that in this case it refers to the description of the hair of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam), and as described before, his mubarak (blessed) hair had a slight curl in it. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 223, 124. If someone shook hands or conversed with him, or showed his friendship or affection, he would smell that clean scent all day, and if he laid that sacred hand on a childs head, that child could be distinguished from other children by that clean scent.128, The Holy Prophet (saas), amongst all other foods, liked pumpkin.131, He used to eat the meat of hunted birds.132, they will have Gardens with rivers flowing under them. Thaqlain, in collaboration with Al-Hujjah Islamic Seminary, presents "Our Prophet", a comprehensive, informative and engaging series on the life of Prophet Muhammad (s) featuring Sayed Mohammed Baqer al-Qazwini. Umm Mabad (ra), who was known for her generosity, uprightness and courage, was visited by the Prophet (s) during the Prophet (s) migration from Mecca to Medina, but failed to recognize him.
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