2) When a deliberated planet simply goes in the paraivartan yog with its friend (naisargik and functional both). (Venus is retrograde). Debilitated planets, Birth chart and Navamsha - psychologically astrology 3) Lord of the rashi in which the deliberated planet gets exalted, in the Kendra from moon or lagan. Astrology is a life time endeavor. And your friend Victor is also very depressed because he also failed. Just a lil doubt.. Rule 8 The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its exaltation lord. Here you can see that both Moon and mars are getting debilitated but still in this case a kind of neech bhang is happening due to the exchange of rashis happening between them. The day his time gives him the flexibility to achieve, this person has developed the habit of extracting maximum out that single opportunity. Saturn is the owner of the sign that exalts Mars (Capricorn) and look, Saturn is also in an angle to the Ascendant! I have an interesting question..i am born in capricorn ascendant of 14 degrees. 1 Online It is practically the most popular article on my blog. The planet Saturn is positioned in the 11th house. ie should be exalted, in own sign, in sign of friends, aspected by benefics. Virgo is 6thsign, hence it has energy of 6thhouse of conflicts and obstacles. Please read this: http://vicd108.wordpress.com/2012/09/18/whats-the-point-reincarnation-karma/. It is more equivalent to depression. In the example you are referring too there is a CHAIN of effects. And if you have managed to use the neech bhang combinations then you will be able to gain significantly with his blessings. For any complaints or feedback about Vedic Astrology Lessons and content in our website, Please write to us at vedicastrologylessons@gmail.com. So, the debilitation energy gets intensified here. 5) When a planet (in strength) aspects its own rashi in which a planet is getting deliberated, neech bhang occurs for that planet. Rule 4 The planet that is exalted in the sign of the debilitated planet is positioned in an angle (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) from the lagna or the Moon. So lets say you have a chart where Jupiter is in Capricorn and thus represents a weakness for the person. Venus placed in the 7th house from the ascendant shows support for his Moon. So at least two (but I recommend three if other auspicious yogas are less in number in chart) conditions from the above listed 8 conditions or as described in verses of Phaladeepika should be fulfilled, with Lagna and Moon (or at least any one) be strong in birth chart, fruits ascribed to a true Necha Bhanga Raja Yog can be witnessed. The golden ticket to the cancellation of a debilitated planet is that it creates a neecha bhanga raja yoga The planet not only operate stronger, but it can elevate status (raja yoga). Debilitation of a planet (e.g. These are the possible methods of cancellation: debilitated planet occupies a kendra . But if we look at the case of sun and Saturn (in Aries for sat and in Libra for sun), [out of the these cases sun neechbhang would be more powerful as Saturn is a more malefic planet as compared to the sun and is also the inherent enemy of Sun. The planet will in some way show that his energy is different Neech, despite being diverted by the Bhang combinations. Now Mars gets exalted in the sign of Capricorn whose lord is Saturn.Therefore to have cancellation of debilitation Saturn should be Kendra house i.e 1,4,7,10 from ascendant or from Moon. People do not even realize how evil we have become slaughtering thousands of animals every single day for no reason except gluttony. There is also a cancellation of debilitation of the Moon by the planet Venus which rules the sign of the zodiac the Moon finds its exaltation: Taurus. (Venus is in Pisces in Navamsha). Authentic Modern Astrology from the Ancient and Classical World, Note: [August 2012] Having changed 8 months ago to a tropical perspective on the Zodiac signs I have come to feel that Cancellation of Debilitation is an unnecessary complication. I try to acquire each n every detals about point of interest and at the end with all thinking too much about it & suffering follows ignorance is bliss menatlity n make peace with myself ) . Author of 27 Stars 27 Gods, Radically Deep Fundamentals of Astrology, and Beautifully Rational Philosophy of Astrology; Sanskrit translator of Bhagavad-Gt, Bhgavata Pura, and Mdhurya Kdambin. Thanks The native born with debilitated Venus is licentious, unscrupulous, unhappy, loquacious, petty minded, agile and an illicit love affair. Accept Rule 3 The debilitated planet is associated with or aspected by its debilitation lord. Will Imran Khan continue as PM of Pakistan ? Do you think that all neecha bhang are of the same kind? Either he himself is being directly helped, eg by conjunction, aspect etc combinations. Only a basic understanding of planetary Lordship, exaltation, debilitation, and aspects is required to see if there is a cancellation to a debilitated planet in your own chart which could be the golden ticket to your success. Reasons behind debilitation of Venus at 27 degree Venus is debilitated at 27 degree as it also gets debilitated in D-9 chart. Art, beauty, peace, intimacy, and women will provide the outlet and inspiration for this person to turn his Saturnian weaknesses into actual great strengths and excellent, outstanding features in his life. 1. The debilitated planet is a major deficiency in a birth chart. This shows that religion and philosophy are really at the root of what makes this person tick the way he ticks and gives him to power to excel in the ways and areas in which he has unusually excelled. Can Astrology Predict My Breakup? | Alok Astrology This is reflected by the following guidelines about who can help a debilitated planet: (1) Saturn can help a debilitated Jupiter, because Saturn owns Capricorn, wherein Jupiter falls to debilitation. That, to me, is escapism. The Cancellation of Debilitation The debilitated planet is a major deficiency in a birth chart. This composite word is a combination of two sanskrit words - neecha, meaning "debilitated", and bhanga, meaning "annulled". Say there are wives who are victims of domestic abuse. The planet Saturn is in the 11th house from Lagan and in the 5th house from Moon; therefore, Rule 2 do not create a cancellation to her debilitated Jupiter. Queen Elizabet II Mercury is also debilitated in the sign of Pisces position in the 3rd house. This is what the principle of neecha-bhanga (Cancellation of Debilitation) is all about! If natural or functional benefics aspect this neech planet, even then his energies are diverted. This can happen in some way or the other as per the above meanings. This material may not be used in any way whatsoever, sold, incorporated in any sort of documents or products, or used for promotional purposes without the express permission of the author, Tejaswini Arvind Patil. For example when the moon is placed in Scorpio and mars in cancer. 1. 2021 Astro Saxena - All Rights Reserved. (Like in case of Sun its 10 degrees of Libra), Let me also list the applicability of this Raj yoga as per other sources (right from various forums to blogs to books to general articles on Internet or as per my little humble experience). with Jupiter, Ketu and Mercury in 1st house, moon in 4th, Ven, Mar in 11 Ven deb; sun, sat in 12 sun deb). Thus, Saturn's debilitation would be canceled if Mars and Venus are in mutual kendras. It is just neech bhanga with greater than normal power. In this article I provide examples of the 8 cancellations to debilitation. Know that there are other ways that debilitation can be modified, I have given you the most powerful and important four. These very strong Neecha Bhanga can be indicated when a planet receives Neacha Bhanga from many different ways. 1) Both exalted and deliberated planet in one Rashi. October 2012: The world at large seems to reallylovethis article. Virgo's lord is Mercury. NEECHA BHANGA RAJA YOGA is a very common term amongst all the preachers of astrology. This is known in Vedic astrology as Neecha Bhanga Yoga. 4) When the deliberated planet gets exalted in navamsa(D-9) or shatyamsa(D-60) in the Kendra(Quadrants), trikond(Trines), 2nd or 11th houses, neech bhang occurs. This quality of being unafraid to meet new people and experience new things is what turns the weakness of inner discontent into a strength, propelling him to interact with hundreds and thousands of new people in ways which cause inner fulfillment. Transiting Mercury will experience debilitation (extreme weakness) on 10/04/2013 at 01:55 AM. Jupiter debilitated lord is Saturn (because it rules Capricorn). ?.also i hav current venus mahadasha and prati-antar dasha of saturn since last 2 years now..i had many ups n downs in this period but hav gained lot of will power n self belief in this period as never before.also i have debilitated moon in scorpio at 24 degrees in conjuction with mars in scorpio in 11th house at 28 degrees.so i guess this is also cancellation of debility.how does this work positively? what if, what if, what if. There are other issues here too, but lets just stick to that one for the sake of this article and topic. Cancellation of Debilitation (Example: Debilitated Venus). Venus-Venus is Beauty, Desire and Love, Liquid Money. Pisces will cancel the debilitation however is probably not sufficient to assist shares do a. secondary low in March. For ex: Mercury getting deliberated in 12th house being the lord of 6th house. Rule 2 The exaltation lord of the debilitated planet is in a Kendra from Lagna or Moon. The fact that Venus is in the 8th House with Ketu shows that spirituality and occult things will be superexcellent factors allowing to find inner contentment and satisfaction which would have certainly eluded him and proven a downfall if he did not avail himself of their wonders. So the answer is: So in some DC or the other your well placed planets of the birth chart are going to shift to their neech signs also. Assume a volcano lava waiting for years and years to break the shackles of earth to come out with Bang bang, assume a rocket taking time in reaching that threshold level by burning tons and tons of fuel and as soon as it gets its escape velocity nothing could stop him to straightaway touch the universe within a matter of seconds, a plane which take off in a regular manner cannot achieve a height which a rocket CAN(just like a normal raja can give the native a sky but cannot dare to give the universe which a Neechbhang raj yoga can), Vedic Astrology Planetary Combinations for Love Affairs/ Marriage, Dasa/Bhuthi Period or Timing of Marriage Vedic Astrology, Mantra or Spiritual Remedies for delayed Marriages Vedic Astrology, Vedic Astrology Reasons for delay in marriage and How to overcome, Vedic Astrology Reasons for delay in marriage and remedies, Delay in Marriage | No Marriage Yoga in Vedic Astrology, Astrological Reason for Delays in Marriage By Raj Shekhar Sharma Vedic Astrology, Astrological CAUSES FOR DELAYS IN MARRIAGES Vedic Astrology, MARRIAGE COMPATIBILITY ANALYSIS EXAMPLE: PRINCE CHARLES AND LADY DIANA, Marriage Compatibility Analysis Through Vedic Astrology, Auspicious House Warming Dates 2015 & Griha Pravesh Dates 2015, Auspicious House WarmingDates 2016 & Griha Pravesh Dates 2016, Auspicious Hindu Marriage dates & timing in 2016 (Vivah Shubh Muhurat 2016 Dates), Auspicious Hindu Marriage dates & timing in 2015 (Vivah Shubh Muhurat 2015 Dates), auspicious Date and Time for medicine Vedic Astrology Lessons, Auspicious Dates for Surgery or Medical Treatment Vedic Astrology Lesson, Auspicious Date time (Muhurat) for EAR PIERCING Vedic Astrology Lessons, Vehicle Buying Auspicious Dates with Muhurat 2015, Late Marriage in vedic astrology Vedic Astrology Lessons, Understanding of Vish Yoga or Punarphoo Dosha, Cancellation of Manglik or Kuja Dosha and Pariharas or Remedies, Manglik Dosha | Kuja Dosha Effects and Remedies, Kemadruma Yogas | Yogas in Vedic Astrology Part 3, Raja yogas Vedic Astrology by Phala Deepika Part 2, Raja yogas in Vedic Astrology by Phala Deepika, Effects of KALA SARPA YOGA Vedic Astrology Lessons, Kemadruma Dosha | Kemadruma yoga and Poverty in Vedic Astrology, Kemadruma Yoga | Kemadruma Dosha in your Birth Chart Vedic Astrology Lessons, kemdrum yog | Kemadruma yoga | Kemadruma Dosha in Vedic Astrology, Gajakeshari Yoga and Its Results Vedic Astrology Lessons, Remedies / Pariharas for Manglik Dosha Vedic Astrology Lessons, Kuja Dosha Analysis and Mars Positions in Different Houses Vedic Astrology, Manglik Dosha Cancellations or Exceptions Rules Vedic Astrology Lessons, What is Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha Vedic Astrology Lessons, Manglik Dosha or Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha Effects, Cancellation & Remedies, Cancellation Of Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha Vedic Astrology Lessons, Yogas and Doshas in Vedic Astrology Vedic Astrology Lessons, Adani Stock market and Saturn transit 2023 to Aquarius, Jupiter is trapped between Saturn and Rahu in 2023., 2023 to 2025 Saturn Transit Aries Sign Mesha, 2023 Saturn Transit to Aquarius Major event. The planet which gets exalted in the sign where the debilitated planet is placed in kendra from the Ascendant or the Moon. sorry to say that there has been a programming error somewhere in the operating system of my brain and I have to reboot. Next you must look at Mars to see if he is in a location where he can accept that candidacy. Bhakti-str vidyrthi & adhypaka at Vndvana Institute of Higher Education. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Sequential recommendations for top useful article posts on Aaps.space, Insiders sneak peek on the views and new adaptations by Astrologers community, A Promise so you always cherish us in your inbox (We support anti-spam ). saturn and sun debilitated in taurus lagna. Similarly Its better to understand the fundamental principles of astrology clearly and learn how to apply them, rather than asking very specific questions and looking for very specific answers. In such cases even a Neech planet becomes a beneficial one and gives good results. Ok, so first let's understand that how powerful can this Neechbhang Raj yog be? Hello Saturn aspects Jupiter with its 3rd aspect, creating a cancellation to debilitation. Should be placed in kendra or kona houses or any house except the dusham-sthan (6th, 8th, 12th houses are the dusham-sthan. What is the exaltation and debilitation of planets in Astrology? In my experience, the energy created by a planet cannot be cancelled, it cannot be made zero. This is a sort of mutual exchange forming a strong yoga (combination) between these two planets (Saturn and Mars) and the houses they occupy (4 and 7). The debilitation sign is 180 degrees from the exaltation sign. Why? When they change to over come their deficiency astrologers call it Neecha Bhanga of a planet and, when they change to not only overcome their weakness but uplift native to certain level, then they cause a Neecha Bhanga Raja Yog. And the birth Moon has to be capable of giving auspicious results. Because Ive realized that Cancellation of Debilitation is just anunnecessarily sloppy, longwinded, complicated can of worms, but nobody seems to care. Virgo is 6th sign, hence it has energy of 6th house of conflicts and obstacles. Jupiter in. These people are truth driven and always look to help anyone in need. Conclusion As I see, these are the reasons why I feel Venus is debilitated in Virgo sign and Chitra Nakshatra at 27 degree. In all the of the above examples COMMON point is that neech bhang(if occurring) It means, change in the energys course. My sun may be the death of me and Ive already tried once. Virgo- As Chitra is a part of Virgo, Virgo sign and its representations also become important. See, THEY BOTH (sun and Saturn) ARE enemys (Unlike the case of Jupiter & mars./..venus &mercury)that is the reason why here neech bhang of sun would be much more powerful as compared to the neechbhang of venus, mercury, mars, Jupiter in similar Situation (exalted and deliberated planet in the same Rashi). Cancellation of Debilitation The Eight Rules, Queen Elizabeth II Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga, Analysis 6 Cancellation to Debilitated Jupiter, Summary 6 Cancellation to Debilitated Jupiter, Cancellation to Debilitation that DO NOT APPLY. What will the India and World get, 2023 to 2025 Saturn Transit Aries Sign Mesha Rasi, Auspicious Marriage Muhurat Dates and Timing in 2023, Gemini Virgo Ascendants (Lagnas) and Marriage Problems, When one can go and settle aboard? (This is as per Devakeralam text), Before moving ahead let me give you one more concept, the more a deliberated planet is close to its highest debilitation degree, the more powerful would be its neecha bhanga . A planet causing neecha bhanga will make the person emperor and that too in his youth. (2) The Moon can help a debilitated Jupiter, because the Moon owns Cancer, wherein Jupiter rises to exaltation. Mars and the Sun are in angles to the Ascendant so they will help in a practical fashion. So this particular chart is really a good example for illustrating how Cancellation of Debilitation actually works. This creates the first cancellation to debilitation. To create Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga the planet, that creates the cancellation should not own, be conjunct or aspected by the rulers of the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th houses and the ruler of the sign where the debilitated planet is placed should be well placed and well aspected. Required fields are marked *. Cancellation of Debilitation the Golden Ticket to Status & Power But Victor knows a guy named John who really helped Victor feel better about the spelling contest. So for example, if Jupiter is in the Cancer navamsha area of Capricorn (around 20-23 of Capricorn)then you can safety predict that the person whose chart you are looking at will be able to rise above their Jupiter weakness (or at least well compensate for it) by their own internal Jupiterian virtues. If a planet is in debilitation, it loses its power to give auspicious results and becomes destructive. The ascendant lord has to be powerful, he will ensure that your self and your surroundings work perfectly together. the last paragraph of your answer Now let me show you an actual horoscope example. When the energy of the planet perfectly mis-matches the energy of the rashi environment it is placed in, it is said to be neech. For more information on Chitra Nakshatra, please read this -https://www.astrosaxena.com/citnaksh. Analysing ones own self is the hardest thing. Well I read it 3 -4 times to understand it and to come on same level but ( this but is my enemy ) then the whole and soul of divine knowledge is to conqure all desires and evils .. wouldnt it be easy to let have the past life memories (as legacies) and not to repeat those mistakes again .. Divine Charts: The Horoscope Of Lord Krishna - Jothishi What will the India and World get its benefit? Neech Bhanga Yoga in Astrology - SelfGrowth.com Jupiter would be exalted in Cancer, where Mars is Debilitated, and Jupiter is in an angle to the Ascendant (and not to mention is also aspecting the other debilitated planet, Saturn). NEECHA BHANGA RAJA YOGA (Cancellation of debilitation) NEECHA BHANGA RAJA YOGA is a very common term amongst all the preachers of astrology. (For example: Mercury is in Trine from the Ascendant). Two debilitated planets are in mutual aspects with each other. Iyer added that if a debilitated planet is Retrograde at the same time or the sign dispositor of that planet is in very good condition like Exalted or having DigBala (directional strength) and be in Kendra (angle) house can significantly eliminate the Neccha effects. The dasas, antardasas, etc. Neech Bhanga means Cancellation of Debilitation. The result can further improve if there is the more benefic influence on Moon and mars and also if both them are gaining adequate shad Bala. The Lord of Cancer is Moon; therefor Moon become the exaltation lord. In this chart Venus is in the 8th house (Leo), which is not angular to the ascendant, but. Basically there has to be a planet who is capable of helping the debilitated planet, and who is in a strong position in the birth chart. So one can make a quick and superficial (but generally valid) estimation that this person has a weakspot in his life regarding feeling internally content (a 4th House issue) because of having a very deep need for emotional consolation. Rule 5 The debilitated planet exchanges signs with its debilitation lord. Mars' debilitation has been cancelled by its retrograde motion. Hello 3) When the lord of the rashi in which a planet is getting deliberated, also gets deliberated and the latter one receives neech bhang, then former one will also get a powerful neechbhang, but here the planet which is causing the Neech bhang of the 2nd planet should be really powerful( from the angle of shadbala). This explains why Saturn despite being an enemy of sun, provide huge strength to the sun in the process of neechbhang. Enter your email address to subscribe to read this blog by email. So the Sun is another candidate. Moon is exalted in Taurus (Venus is Lord of Taurus, Venus is Moon exaltation Lord), Mars is exalted in Capricorn (Saturn is Lord of Capricorn, Saturn is Mars exaltation Lord), Mercury is exalted in Virgo (Mercury is Lord of Virgo, Mercury is its own exaltation Lord), Venus is exalted in Pisces (Jupiter is Lord of Pisces, Jupiter is Venus exaltation Lord), Saturn is exalted in Libra (Venus is Lord of Saturn, Venus is Saturn exaltation Lord). Cancellation of Debilitation of a Planet Due to the motion of the planets in the Zodiac, they pass through certain degrees of constellations and Rashis (Signs), they acquire or loose strength or power. All Venus finds in Virgo is conflicts/disputes and obstacles. Lagna lord is placed in second house in sign Aries at 23deg.56mnts. These same planets sometimes with the virtue of overall birth chart condition and certain planetary alignments transforms their results and effects in the favour of native. Do you think NBRY applies here ? Venus exalts in Pisces and Mercury . Both my sun and jupiter are fallen and without bangha. They are mostly described in astrology as being most unfavourable conditions for planet to be in Birth chart. As there is no perfect relationship or partner in the world, Venus in Virgo person may feel discontent in relationship and may end-up in having conflicts and disputes as he sees only drawbacks in relation or partner. 1 Year Raj : Rulerhsip; Powers, Success and Fame equivalent to that of a king. So, in this chart, Mars is saved by Jupiter and is able to pass that along to Saturn. Do you have Neechbhanga Rajyoga in Horoscope? Find it now Reasons behind debilitation of Venus in Virgo - Venus' main living representation is Relationship. Sidereal for Some Things, Tropical for Others? Most birth times are off by 5-10 mins thus of no use in divisional chart calculations. A debilitated planet is conjunct with an exalted planet who is friendly or at least neutral to him, thus can support him. All the information provided by Swami Premanand Bharti is for the benefits and betterment of the viewers and readers but Swami Premanand Bharti assumes no responsibility regarding the mishandling of the information which you derive from the varied sources such as website, telephone, email , personal interaction or any other source. 6)When a deliberated planet gets a Vargottammi (planet occupies the same rashi in lagan and navamsa charts) position, neechbhang occurs., again this is will not be complete but yes planet does gain strength when happens to be Vargottammi. The debilitated planet is retrograde. Reasons behind Venus' Debilitation - Astrosaxena Neecha Bhanga( )/ Cancellation of Debility: For one thing it shows that art, beauty, and women (all the basic significations of Venus) comfort the person greatly. In fact, cancellation of debilitation can further lead to a powerful planetary combination called Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga. Or divert them to some actions which do not harm you. Jupiter : Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn sign up to 5 degrees. (This is as per the rule, when more malefic planet is exalted and a comparatively less malefic planet is deliberated, neechbhang occurs in a more powerful way if they are in conjunction). 1.Jupiter lord of the sign Pisces, placed in the quadrant from Moon. When did Venus' debilitation get cancelled? Food of the Gods: Cure for Humanity? A Cultural History of the Vinit. Debilitation of Venus: Venus is planet for love, relationships, opposite sex, act of sex, desires, spouse in male, genital organs in female, sperms in male and beauty aspect of both sexes. Have you ever thought that why this yoga is so powerful? When they form a social group and get together with each other, they can really help one another. But and if valid, jupiter falls in a pushkar navamsha. It is better to understand red, blue and yellow, and understand how to combine them to produce any particular color as the need arises. Take the example of venus and mercury placed in Virgo (neech bhang for venus) and in Pieces (neechbhang for mercury) or Jupiter mars in Capricorn and cancer (neech bang for Jupiter and mars respectively). If there are any of these combinations with respect to the neech planet in your chart, then his energy will be diverted. If Venus is placed in its debilitation sign Virgo in the Birth Chart then Venus' debilitation can only gets canceled in the following conditions. Your email address will not be published. would be occurring with the help of a friend. Now in this case mercury causing both vipreet Raj Yoga and neechbhang Raj Yoga, Hence this mercury becomes extremely powerful. 2022 Transit of JUPITER/RAHU/SATURN in April Effects in India and Abroad. There are far too many evil people out there to think that there is far too much suffering. that is one of the factors i mentioned in the artcle, yes. There are a few planets who are capable of helping Jupiter compensate for or even totally rise above the weakness he represents as a result of his debilitation. Therefore, During this period of combustion when ego takes over the place in mind, the person tends to spend a lot of money, energy and efforts into relationships and love interest unnecessarily. never have to worry about a checklist of rules for cancelling debilitation again, How to Use the 12 Houses Vic Dicara's Astrology, https://vicdicara.wordpress.com/tropical-vs-sidereal-in-indian-astrology/, http://vicd108.wordpress.com/2012/09/18/whats-the-point-reincarnation-karma/, https://vicdicara.wordpress.com/what-is-fate/. Cancellation of Debilitation and Neecha Bhanga Raja Yog in astrology Additionally, Uranus ignites fantasy away from love, with the destroyed If you have not done your birth time correction etc do not use the varga charts, they will mislead. The ruler of the sign where the debilitated planet is placed is in kendra from the Ascendant or the Moon. It should not be disturbed by malefic influences, nor by combust planets, nor by debilitated planets etc. 3) If the debilitated planet is sitting with Exalted planet or Own Sign Planet. The planets all affect one another. For example deliberated Venus is getting in paraivartan (exchange) with its naisargik and functional friend mercury in Libra, Especially for Virgo, and Capricorn Ascendant. Decisions, Nirnay, are in your hands and the consequent effects, Parinam, of these decisions are not. And the person can utilize these to rise above the challenge of lack of inner content. Something good now can be a source of immense sorrow bad later. What if for cancer ascendent Jupiter in Seventh house has made NBRY . Or something bad for someone can be perceived to be good for someone else. In reality, a debilitated planet is a blessing in disguised. Visa versa too perhaps. I have saturn exalted in 10th house in libra sign with 1 degree and in conjuction with sun in debilitation in libra with 3 degrees, also there is venus of 0 degrees in libra. Cancellation of Debilitation - Silna ( 2017 2027 Tejaswini Arvind Patil http://psychologicallyastrology.com All rights reserved), ( 2017 2022 Tejaswini Arvind Patil http://psychologicallyastrology.com All rights reserved), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Neecha Bhang combinations for Debilitated planets, Birth Moon in the fiery signs Aries Leo or Sagittarius, Venus Jupiter exact conjunction in Pisces, How to analyse the Divisional chart 10Dashaamsha, Follow psychologically astrology on WordPress.com, A debilitated planet exchanges signs with a more powerful and auspicious planet who then supports him via the exchange of houses.
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