Open the chest to get a bronze rod. Enter the cave entrance. Help plzs. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest (PC) Where do I find the shovel? Here are their names; you may need to refer them in future: Tiberius-linked with Levus, alora quest in future, Old woman near the weapon shop, sells boat location spell. Lands end- walk to your left from the entrance, the north path is a loop. It contains a chest with 250 gold pennies. I'd love to see someone post a walkthrough or faq or something for this game since it's a good game in my book.. 3ds friend code -- magicbay02 - 2380-3309-0613. Upon my carpet you run and play and slumber away-Green. Walk up to the nearest bifurcation where you can see a grave and take that path. Talk to the librarian Rasha, she give you a quest to bring back something (side quest no.40). Carry on and exit the cavern. The location of this goodie is shown in the screenshot below. Feed the bone to the dog. Now go to the peninsula. Follow the dirt path till you reach a ladder; climb up and keep following the dirt path till you reach another ladder. Enter the snow forest you see before you. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up upgrade your weapons and armors from the weapons shop. Take the southern passage of the cave. Use the take the rune shortcut to Aveyond. Come back to him later for more items. Use the bed to heal your party for free. You will see another chest. Nick here. He will give you a world map. Talk to Dora, the girl behind the bars, in the pet shop. You need a ticket and ball gown to enter the ball room. WALKTHROUGH Since the walkthrough is quite big, you can use the "Find" command to instantly jump to any word or phrase in the guide. If you have sufficient number of stakes then you can stake all the vampires. This way you can explore all the probable possibilities in the game as rpg games offer a lot of diversions and endings. You can instantly change back to the sword singers outfit after that! Return to Mysten far and talk to priestess Oyane. 3. From there walk up to the spot marked as L in the map. Buy the elven statuette from the pirate. You are given the task to find the druids and save the world from Ahriman, this is your main quest. It is a mule express and it can take you to places where you have visited at least once. Come back to the spikes and go to your right to the unblocked gate hiding another switch. She demands that you do your chores. You will find yourself outside again. Now refer the world map and fly to Mysten Far. The locusts are roaming in the farm, press the action button or enter when you confront any of them and fight them. But before that we will explore the other doorways to hunt for treasures. Talk to the green haired guy. Select it from the inventory and you will find the speed of your party leader has increased. Go south this time; retrieve the haunch from the chest on your way and carry on to the cavern exit. Collect the covey balm from the chest before moving through that door. Its quite linear so make your way to the temple. Thats the snow queens castle. Buy as many healing and regenerative items as possible, heal up and save before you go to the Stronghold temple (inside demon caves of southern isle desert). The area has a quail egg and a total of 4 chests containing 150 gold pennies, 1 covey balm, 350 gold pennies and one apple. It works fine that way). Give him 20 gold pennies and he will take you to the northern isle. Enter the Item shop and buy both the wedding rings you see on the table. Open it to get a pick lock (you have already purchased one). You can buy pets for your manor at Sedona. Take Griselda to the boatman, he will sell you his boat for 3000 gold. So choose what you want to become of Rhen at the end. You can talk to Danny in Sedona beach. Get out of the house, open the gate, get down the stairs and go down. You may also come back later to learn them, but for now you must get one at least. The graves beside the church dont yield anything except one, which opens a passage. Enter one of the houses to find Teijal. One of them sell traveling runes to memory caverns. To experience full quality maps, please Exit the pillar and enter the next pillar named as Rootwell. 20), Gretchen 1) Make her ugly again (side quest no. We have 145 questions and 226 Aveyond answers. See what happens. mobile walkthrough. Walk all the way around to point 12 in that map. I wont say where they located but I will mention in which places you can find them. Enter the door beside her and then again through the door thats in front. Dig the spot to find a star orb for Lars. That area is almost linear with a chest on your way to the other end. Enter the house to find a chest containing 390 gold pennies. Talk to him about news. We need to find him a wife to get the row boat (side quest no.13). We will come back to it. Similarly all the other important or unimportant quests are listed in the journal. Make your way through the balls and press the switch. Choose a mix of single and multi damage spells. Exit and walk all the way to the next tower. Walk south and exit the cave, you will land up near a chest, open it to find 2000 gold pennies. Give it to the vampire. temple in ghedahre Miserably. Travel up north and then to your west from a bifurcation. Return to Clearwater and give that to his mom. Open it to get pomegranate seeds. Fight the banshee and keep walking towards north. Give him the bottle and he will give you something to be delivered to the snow queen. You will be standing in front of a cave. Finding the missing Truffle in Caves. The chests here yield covey balm, plate armor, chain whip, 150 gold pennies, haunch, 300 gold pennies and 600 gold pennies. Since you already have collected the book pages from all over the world, therefore you can give them to him. Go through the door. Elinis indra, Rhens Nightmare Flight spell and Lars decompose works wonders. Automatically there are changes made as per which goody you have installed. Enter the cave which you find while exploring-it will lead you to two chests-one yielding cassia leaf and the other mandrake. He will give you a quest to bring back his glass eye (side quest no.22). Go to the Sandstone caves into the area which we named as Toad. You will find Tiny there. Buy 90 of each item from the item shop if youve collected enough cash from the cash cow (dont buy 99 as you may get these items from chests, so the ones you bought will be wasted as there can be only 99 number of each items in your inventory). You will get your quest list (side quest 4 and 5). From there go south and you will see two caves on both sides. Date: December 2019. Explore the mine and open the blue chest to find an iron sword?. The Demon Portal has been opened and dark creatures are racing into your world, so it's up to you to find the Sword of Shadows and close the Portal once more. Note that all the maps have been reduced in resolution and quality to make the walkthrough file small. Refer the map to go through the dungeon onto the exit through point 1 in the map below: The enemies have around 15000 hp and cast massive blows which can kill your party members. Enter the blackbone cave. Exit through the gate and youll find a chest containing studded armor. Dont worry about the demon inside-Agas, he wont harm you unless you talk to him. Give Gretchens gift to Hilda. Pick up the studded shield from the chest and follow the route directed by the arrow direction in the screenshot: Keep walking; you will notice a door on your way. This is the memory cavern. The man with the backpack sells useful items. Start looking for the dirt piles. Now go to the peninsular trade route (see highland map) and try to enter the passage. Enter the peninsula and refer the white arrow in the map to find your way to Sedona. Take Vatas soul and go to Memory Caverns. Explore the Halloween hills to look for the stinkrot root. Then only she will give you her lamp. Take the northern path now. Walk to your east from there and then take the lower right path. Retrieve the fire axe and return by one screen. Select the soul pendant in the inventory, see what happens! Gold-use it for 100,000 gold. Return and pass through the door in the screenshot: Enter the door shown in the image of the next area: Collect the 150 gold pennies from the chest in the successive room before exiting through the only door in that room. The Time Mage guild is located here, if youve not already joined any other guild then you can join here. Enter and you will find three fairies. Get back one screen, climb down the twin ladder sets and re-enter the cavern. Finally you will end up in point 6 of the map. You can switch it off from the inventory again. The squirrels will give you three sticks of dynamite with which you can blow up some cracked walls in different places: One of the walls will yield the absolute zero spell scroll (located in the highlands) which you can use only once in a battle. You can use it for only one of them. Enter it and talk to the man to your left. You get another quest (quest no.3). Aveyond Studios on Discord Our Discord server has hundreds of active users. In your inventory click on the lamp to enter the Lamp world. Talk to the queen and give her what the mountain king has asked you to. Become a queen- Rhen will marry Dameon and live as a queen of Thais, which is the real ending. Exit his house and enter the squirrels hideout. If you are exploring the forest then you will find chests scattered all over. Quest complete. Press it and get back one screen. Exit highlands and go to lowlands, which is south of the highland on the western isle: Go to Brumwich first. You are transported near another cave. The next day wake up, wear the wedding gown and go to the Throne room. It contains an elixir. Talk to Dannys mother-Liana, she will trigger a quest (side quest no.27). Explore the world map to find the Veniara Island (show map world). Follow the previous guide to the Ogres Lair when we were hunting for the first boss. Dont forget to buy the ball gown from the seamstress. Follow the path, on your way you will find a solitary quail egg on ground; pick it up and carry on till you reach a river from where the road bifurcates into east and west. Sword of Might - Southern isle, Demon caves, in a chest Sword of Dreams - The dreamworld, head west after entering, its in a chest in a cave. If you like games like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, and Dragon Warrior, you are going to love Aveyond. After hitting the wall you will find two paths one going north along the dirt path and the other going south. In Ghedahre enter the house just beside the church. Now go to the entrance of Veldarah. Select the tutorial from the options menu and you will be directed to a folder containing instructions about the game play. But you need something for that; we will get back here later. Talk to the ghosts there, they will trigger a quest (side quest no.36). i beat aveyond 1 and now 10 hours into aveyond 2, A2 is not as good. Now she will ask you to find her son Lars. The chests here yield nightmare bow, an elixir, a power acorn and a salmon. Also get some myrica infusion and elixir (elixir is a must). Defeat it and get the voice box. Ean's best friend Iya suddenly disappears, and his . Keep walking till you reach a cave. This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. Then go to Blasted lands and follow the map to enter the Dark Caverns. Your father will give you some instructions. Now head towards the middle passage. you get the bottle in a junk shop in sedona (eastern isle). That is what we are looking for-the cloak of undying loyalty. Walk till you reach the dead end and open the chest to find a salmon. Explore the area and grab the chests before entering the cave where Aesma resides. If you choose the second option then you have to go to Thais with Dameon and talk to the old man in the palace. Hello traveler! Fight the banshee queen and after that you will see that she dropped something. From the seamstress house keep walking down past the small pool to your right and enter the greenery enclosed area. From the world map enter the forest. . Anyway, at Ejindro talk to the ghost girl and try to open the lock to the north of the girl with the skeleton key. Talk to the chef of the ball room and he will also give you a quest (side quest no.29). Return to the ladder and enter the cave; exit from the other end. So lets get the ticket first. In the gentle children school, go upstairs and talk to Theodore in the bedroom. THE BEGINNING, Skill name Effect Mana Application Level learned, EXPLORING THE WILDERNESS (EASTERN EMPIRE). We will later see who the unfortunate one is! Talk to him and watch the events. Walk up to the dead end with a chest. Open to get 12 wild berries and 520 gold pennies. SOME BASIC INSTRUCTIONS I personally recommend playing the game first without the walkthrough and after having played it once, replay it using the walkthrough.
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