No contrary result is dictated by the recent decision of People v. Perez (1981) 114 Cal. He has failed to provide either a clerk's transcript or reporter's transcript of the juvenile court's ruling at the first fitness hearing which dealt with the murder count. Today 670 condemned inmates - including wife-killer Scott Peterson - are on the prisons chilling death row. 619] (hg. September 24, 1977 Death Row Joe Gonzales's order to murder of Nuestra soldier Eddie Serna for cooperating with authorities is passed on by Lieutenant Richard Din Castro to Robert Flores and Robert "Brown Bob" Viramontes. (Chambers, supra, at pp. Death Row Diner 1988-01-01 ver en lnea gratis. As stated cogently in People v. Epps (1973) 34 Cal. The Fierro brothers were known enemies of the Nuestra Familia. He is serving a life sentence at the Correctional Training Facility in Soledad. A gang member sentenced to death in 1997 for multiple murders in San Jose died at San Quentin State Prison on Monday, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.. 17 August 2020. App. Hernandez was subsequently arrested in Hayward on November 2, and Castro was apparently arrested sometime after the shooting. We've turned a lot of people down.". Historica Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The determination that the evidence relating to the Nuestra Familia was admissible finds support in the case of People v. Beyea (1974) 38 Cal. & Inst. 3d 502] the evidence was relevant (1) as corroboration of Hernandez' testimony about the three men being sent to Bakersfield with guns obtained from the Salinas area, and (2) as independent proof that the weapons had originated from the Salinas area six weeks prior to their recovery from an area near the Virginia Street residence. The three men also became obliged to kill the Fierros after the attack upon them outside of the liquor store. App. FN 6. There was bodily harm and one victim was shot in the leg, and of course another one was killed. Not so. State prisons department spokeswoman Terry Thornton said: Theyre meant to do a great deal of damage.. App. Furthermore, given the other substantial evidence pointing to Dominguez' identity as a participant in the shooting, it is not reasonably probable that he would have obtained a more favorable result had the remarks about his parole status not been made. Nuestra Familia is a Mexican - American prison gang that was founded in Soledad prison, California in 1968. Brian Parry, head of the Special Services gang unit for the state Department of Corrections, says that big prosecutions are often followed by a flurry of gang activity, as the second-string thugs compete for the vacant positions. fn. 3d 78, 85 [81 Cal. As they left Villarreal's house, Castro suggested that the group proceed up Virginia Street to "another place where he knew the Fierros might possibly be." (b). The jury of nine women and two men took 21/2 days to agree on the ultimate punishment, rejecting an impassioned argument by defense attorney Traci Owen emphasizing Paniaguas lousy childhood and his sisters pleas that his life be spared. fn. He said: Over the course of the last couple of decades hes successfully retired four of our staff in this facility due to assaults that hes perpetrated on them. 279].) App. Members agree to commit crimes such as murder . Serna, nicknamed Spankio, was sentenced to death by a Santa Clara County jury in 1997 for the murders of Esteban Guzman, Marcos Baca and Sheila Apodaca. Now with respect to talking to or saying anything to you with respect to how the car was lost what did he say? 22 We are not persuaded. They found no shortage of young men willing to sign up, with money and power seducing many Mexican-Americans to joining the gang. (People v. Guillebeau (1980) 107 Cal. We thought maybe (Lopez) was getting out of prison by now," said one relative who asked not to be named. "The murder rate dropped by about half.". So is drug use. But when youre in the Adjustment Center if you want to live amongst the population, you have to do as the population order or dictate that you do.. Shelton was commander of the NF's San Jose regiment, and Lopez his newly minted second-in-command, prosecutors say. But legal observers said the jury was likely swayed by the particularly violent way the little girls died. (People v. Guerrero (1976) 16 Cal. Because of the "three strikes" initiative, gang members are going to prison for life at younger and younger ages. Stretch, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Leslie R. Caldwell of the Justice Department's Criminal January 13, 1943 11 members of the 38th street gang are sentenced to prison for the murder of Jose Diaz. The Constantinideses and some gang experts are confident that Nuestra Familia is on the ropes. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters, Defendant Rodrigo Ortiz Paniagua (cq), 29, was arraigned today for four counts of homicide in Santa Clara County Court in San Jose. With regard to the assault count, the information alleged that both defendants were armed with a handgun during the commission of the offense (Pen. App. Founded in 1968 in Folsom Prison or in the Soledad Correctional Training Facility, Nuestra Familia originated as a prison gang that was formed by rivals of the Mexican Mafia, a Sureos gang. Some were forced to live in the Secure Housing Unit (the "Shoe"), where 12,000 inmates were held in a "prison within a prison" where the inmate was under constant surveillance. 2d 223, 248 [32 Cal. The indictments against the Nuestra Familia, released in 1992, charged 21 defendants with plotting and committing six murders. 3d 928, 933 [142 Cal. Furthermore, the venire panel (from which the jury was selected) indicated it would not find defendants guilty because of their Nuestra Familia ties. Dominguez rested on the evidence presented by the People. fn. Born April 7, 1988 in Camp Hill, PA, she was the daughter of Randal Neitz (Michele Pavone) of Enola and Pamela (Simoncelli) Neitz of Mt Holly. The order will prevent the state from putting prisoners to death by. Pido disculpas sinceramente a cualquiera que haya resultado herido u ofendido". "But we didn't go out and kill enemies, we went and killed ourselves. FN 10. When compared with the enormous growth of California's prison industry, the effect of the Nuestra Familia trials in San Jose -- and a recent federal prosecution of the Mexican Mafia -- are hard to measure. [21] Women are not allowed to become full-fledged members of Nuestra Familia, but are sometimes used for communication and drug-running purposes as they are considered less likely to be noticed by law enforcement agents. fn. Rptr. 91].). Dominguez' counsel also argued that his client was guilty of no more than voluntary manslaughter. (See People v. McGautha (1969) 70 Cal. FN 20. Under George Collord, the police gathered informants in prison, including "Red Raider", who revealed the leadership structure of the gang. 896.). Hernandez did testify that Dominguez did not fire any weapon on this occasion. The judgments as to Dominguez and Castro are affirmed. 3d 788, 793 [108 Cal. Under these circumstances, any error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt. "I'm sure they know everything.". When they turned onto Virginia Street, the three men saw a group of people talking and drinking beer near two parked cars. My family and I were hopeful for a different outcome and prayed to God to help all affected by this tragedy, Rachel said in the e-mail. They purchased a white station wagon and returned to Salinas. Child murderer Edward Schaefer was fatally stabbed in the neck and chest with a home-made weapon described as a bone-crusher in 2010. Serna belonged to the notorious Northern California Latino prison gang Nuestra Familia. The police warned Castillo about the NF threat, but Castillo ignored them. 441, 169 Cal. In both Chambers and Jackson, the prosecution introduced a large quantum of evidence which dealt with crimes committed by codefendants and unconnected to acts undertaken by the respective defendants. In sentencing Castro, the court noted: "The crime involved great violence. The evidence about Castro's presence in the car was cumulative of testimony already provided by Hernandez and Villarreal. [121 Cal. The men walked into the backyard of the house indicated to be the residence of Chollo. But the rivalry between North and South reportedly began that day, and a paradoxical blend of racial pride and hatred of other Mexican Americans has sustained both factions ever since. The NF fell into disarray, and Casper was still undercover when the chaos began. Death Row Diner ver en lnea gratis. On a self-appointed mission of vendetta, Sailor Boy and Mundo journeyed up to Bakersfield to visit two Nuestra Familia drug dealers. 19, Hernandez also testified about the obligations and responsibilities of Nuestra Familia members. As the verdicts were read to a hushed courtroom filled with the victims relatives and lawyers eager to learn the outcome of the rare capital case, Paniagua had no visible reaction. But this was a rivalry with a twist. Sammy Simenthal Dominguez and Anthony Castro were charged with having committed murder (Pen. Next, Hernandez, Dominguez and Castro each visited their respective mothers. Dominguez made a U-turn and drove by the residence a second time. App. Nonetheless, this evidence did not establish that he was in custody between those dates. Shawna Forde, 43, was found guilty of the murder and invasion of the home of Raul Flores, 29, and his daughter, nine-year old, Brisenia. [22], In the aftermath of Operation Black Widow, the five highest-ranking leaders of Nuestra Familia, James "Tibbs" Morado, Joseph "Pinky" Hernandez, Gerald "Cuete" Rubalcaba, Cornelio Tristan, and Tex Marin Hernandez, were transferred to the United States Penitentiary, Florence ADX, the federal supermax prison in Colorado. However, despite law enforcement's efforts, there were still tens of thousands of NF members, and the new generation was influenced to join the NF through promises of girls, cars, dope, alcohol, good times, parties, staying out late, and other vices. Hernandez and Dominguez were armed with .22 revolvers. Having sex with another gang member's woman is strictly against the 14 Bonds. [10] It is not an abuse of discretion when a trial court denies a motion for mistrial after being satisfied that no injustice has resulted or will result from the occurrences of which complaint is made. But now he's softened his approach with preppy turtleneck shirts and slacks. This shooting was one of the most infamous killings, as it was recorded on video. Moreover, even if the evidence was not admissible under the coconspirator exception, we believe its introduction at trial was not prejudicial to Dominguez. 3d 277, 288-291 [82 Cal. Since aggravating circumstances can also be considered for purposes of imposing consecutive terms, the trial judge correctly took note that the crime involved great violence, planning, and sophistication (rule 421 (a)(1), (8), Cal. OAKLAND - Four members of the Nuestra Familia criminal organization - including the top gang leader - were sentenced to federal prison today for racketeering, murders, robberies, drug offenses, and related acts announced U.S. Attorney Brian J. Rptr. (Opinion by Zenovich, J., with Hopper, Acting P. J., and Andreen, J., concurring.). The last time local prosecutors persuaded a jury to impose the death penalty was in 1997, when three Nuestra Familia gang members James Huevo Trujeque, Herminio Spankio Serna and Bobby Lopez were sentenced to death for multiple killings. A former courts reporter, she is now reporting primarily on consumer issues, and welcomes any tips/suggestions, especially on how to make ends meet in the Bay Area. "Bobby said he did love her, but as it says in the bonds, you gotta put the NF first, and so he called the hit. App. If California votes to keep the death penalty, what does that mean for the state's execution methods? He was classified as a "Grade B" prisoner at San Quentin, based on violent tendencies and gang membership. The seventh victim to die, Sheila Apodaca, was allegedly killed on the orders of her boyfriend -- Bobby Lopez -- because she furiously objected to his womanizing and threatened to retaliate. Vargas, with his facial tattoos and street- tough expression, for a while wore his jail jumpsuit to trial. The Hispanics would have a lot more power in prison and on the streets if they weren't divided amongst themselves, i.e. The neo-Nazi gang the Aryan Brotherhood was founded at San Quentin in 1964. Tracey Kaplan is a reporter for the Bay Area News Group based at The Mercury News. fn. 3d 807, 822-823 [95 Cal. 3d 495] admonished jurors that Castro's statements were inadmissible hearsay as to Dominguez unless it was found that the statement was made by Castro in the furtherance of a conspiracy. [1a] Dominguez initially contends that the lower court erred in failing to exclude appellant Castro's extrajudicial statements to Hernandez because they were prejudicial hearsay statements not within the coconspirator exception to the hearsay rule. Rptr. den. "Were it not for Lopez and his big mouth, law enforcement would have had a much harder time solving this case.". The cumulative nature of the evidence, coupled with the strong admonition of the trial judge, dissipated any injustice from admission of the evidence; thus, we find no abuse occurred when the court below refused to grant Castro's mistrial motion. The three men believed they had been attacked "by possible enemies of the Nuestra Familia" and considered it their duty "to kill [the Fierros] if possible." Si bien la familia de una vctima no se puede restaurar cuando se lleva a cabo una ejecucin, un castigo menor socava el valor que le damos a la proteccin de la vida. "I wanted them to notice the wheelchair less, and notice me more. [1] In the late 1960s, Mexican-American inmates of the California state prison system began to separate into two rival groups, Nuestra Familia[14] and the 1957-formed Mexican Mafia, according to the locations of their hometowns (the north-south dividing line is Delano, California). den. The district attorney agreed with this assessment. These cases are inapropos to the present one, since the evidence related to activities of a gang to which appellant had pledged his loyalty. 82]) unless an attorney consults with the defendant in a room designed for that purpose (People v. Lopez (1963) 60 Cal. A long line of cases has established that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in ordinary jailhouse conversations (People v. Hill (1974) 12 Cal. 2d 755, 761 [290 P.2d 855]) and disallowed derivative standing for purposes of asserting "knock-notice" requirements (People v. Cook (1977) 69 Cal. Grade A are individuals who are programming and follow our rules, for the most part. 3d 592, 595-598 [171 Cal. He added: If [prisoners] dont assault staff when given the opportunity, they will be disciplined by other inmates here in the facility. Rptr. Given the diverse testimony about the two .22 weapons, it cannot be said that the trial judge abused his discretion in admitting Farr's testimony; the evidence corroborated Hernandez' prior testimony and was independent proof of the origin of the guns. Code, 187) and an assault with a deadly weapon (Pen. Rptr. Quando ocorre um assassinato, a polcia recorre ao Dr. David Hunter (Harry Treadaway, de Penny Dreadful e Mr. Mercedes) com um pedido de ajuda. Under these circumstances, we believe the jurors were justified in concluding that the subsequent conversation between Hernandez and Castro was in furtherance of the gang-related purposes of the conspiracy to kill the Fierros and other enemies of the Nuestra Familia. Moreover, unlike the situation in Perez, the court below took careful pains to note that it would not allow wholesale introduction of unrelated criminal activities of the Nuestra Familia. County officials say they have spent $10 million so far, and the expenses continue to mount. [7] However, despite the inadequacy of the record, we believe Castro's initial contention lacks merit. March 13, 2019 Gov. 3d 686, 690 [138 Cal.Rptr. Hernandez asked for Castro's account because "as a squad leader I was obligated to get all the available information of what had happened so I could in turn inform my lieutenant." (1964)375 U.S. 994 [11 L. Ed. Hernandez said that he was required to report such activities to Lasolla. Luke 2:33-35 Jesus' father and mother were amazed at what was said about him; and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted and you yourself a sword will pierce so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." Traditionally, there are the "Seven Sorrows of Mary . 3d 404, 408-409 [160 Cal. [2] The relevant appellate principles were articulated by our Supreme Court in the following passage fromPeople v. Saling (1972) 7 Cal. FN 7. 2d 761, 775 [80 Cal. Moreover, the solid and credible evidence against Dominguez made it unlikely that a more favorable result would have been achieved had the testimony been excluded. In addition, the trial court gave an oral admonition and closing instructions fn. Casper was sent back to prison for communicating with the gang, violating his parole, and was sent back for six months. Death Row Diner 1988 ver Death Row Diner online gratis | Mire pelculas en lnea a travs de los mejores videos HD de 1080p gratuitos en computadoras de escritorio, porttiles, tabletas, iPhone, iPad, Mac Pro y ms. At 1:25 a.m., Bakersfield Police Officers Record and Parker received a broadcast which included a description of a white station wagon wanted in connection with an attempted murder. The Epps court concluded that a defendant's statements which did not directly inculpate or refer to his codefendant were not substantially incriminating to the nondeclarant defendant in light of other evidence showing that the two men were acquainted with each other. Cobos said that she carried orders to subordinate gang members to get involved with "hits, prostitutions, drugs, anything that would bring in some money to the organization." 3d 446, 453 [171 Cal. After enduring testimony about the grisly way Rodrigo Paniagua Jr. slaughtered his family, a Santa Clara County jury today took the rare step of voting for his execution the first time a local panel has imposed the death penalty in 13 years. Nuestra Familia is a Mexican-American prison gang that was founded in Soledad prison, California in 1968. Nuestra Familia are prison enemies of the Southern chicanos who consisted of La eMe, better known as the Mexican Mafia. The circumstances of his death are being investigated, Thornton said. (1969)393 U.S. 1104 [2 L. Ed. (Welf. App. Until now, little has been known about its 38-year history and activities. the Nuestra Familia/Nortenos vs. the Mexican Mafia/Surenos. FN 26. fn. [21] Nuestra Familia's written constitution allegedly states that no member should prioritize women, money or drugs over their membership in the gang. While all Nuestra Familia soldiers and captains in California are expected to follow the orders of Cervantes, a small percentage of the gang remains loyal to the former generals and captains imprisoned in Colorado. Nuestra Familia, which claims San Jose as its home turf, is second in influence. [11] Pointing to the fact that he was sentenced to life imprisonment plus a one-year enhancement per Penal Code section 12022, subdivision (a), Castro now contends that imposition of the enhancement was an abuse of sentencing discretion and a denial of equal protection. [12] Castro finally contends that he is entitled to additional custody credits and to good-time/work-time credits. 432-435.) (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation via AP), Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. Regarding his claim to good-time/work-time credits, this is compelled byPeople v. Sage (1980) 26 Cal. In invalidating the admission of various extrajudicial statements under Bruton/Aranda principles, the appellate court noted under its factual circumstances that "the statements were not offered for the purpose of being added to otherwise admissible evidence, but for the sole purpose of being improperly playedoff against each other so as to demonstrate the collective consciousness of guilt of the three defendants." The three men traveled to and set up surveillance at a particular residence. FN 23. App. Last year the prison was accused of letting Covid-19 run rampant throughout the cramped and overpacked prison. The yearlong trial was one of the costliest in Santa Clara Countys history at $10 million. [20], In April 2010, federal and local law enforcement agencies concluded what was considered the most significant effort to dismantle the Central Coast leadership structure of Nuestra Familia. Rptr. (People v. Epps, supra, 34 Cal.App.3d at pp. 3d 844, 852 [103 Cal. The group operates both within and outside of state prisons. App. "Especially drugs.". Since evidence about the criminal purposes of the Nuestra Familia was similarly relevant in the instant case, Beyea shows why the trial judge here was justified in allowing its introduction at trial. Nuestro General Gerald "Cuete" Rubelcaba ordered the assassination of former NF member Robert "Brown Bob" Viramontes in early 1998, a member of the leading council for the NF and a 20-year veteran who had covered up his NF tattoo on his back and also educated young kids about the dangers of gang life. 656-657.) We note that during voir dire examination the jury panel was asked about their knowledge of Mexican gangs known as the Nuestra Familia and the Mexican Mafia. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Norteo gang members pledge their allegiance and loyalty to Nuestra Familia and are instructed on its rules, rituals, and obligations. Castro said he knew where the Fierros "hung out." The families of the victims are noticeably absent from the courtroom. A determination of fitness on the murder count effectively transferred jurisdiction to the superior court pending the filing of a complaint by prosecuting authorities. But Charles Constantinides points to San Jose's unusually low violent crime rate as proof that prosecutions have an effect. Each individual 6x9 foot cells are covered in tight heavy mesh - making seeing outside almost impossible. 2d 818, 836 [299 P.2d 243].). In December 2000, another Nuestro General stepped in on Casper's behalf and Cuete backed off the hit order, but Casper wanted revenge. In legal motions filed over the past four weeks, defense attorneys for 15 alleged members of the Nuestra Familia the prison gang that governs the Northern California-based Norteo and . 28-29; Jackson, supra, at pp. But the trials have also provided an intimate, through-the-looking- glass view into a shadowy American subculture. The senior La Eme leaders ordered the murder of two Familia leaders just prior to an important peace conference between Cadena and Death Row Joe Gonzalez, a NF leader . Hernandez noted that the person "didn't run any more," although Hernandez "could see him moving around." She also carried information to superiors [121 Cal. Members of the organization are considered to have taken a "blood oath" to join the gang, and are considered lifelong participants. Hernandez also fired several shots at a person who was fleeing across a grassy area near the rear of the lot. Mi intencin era expresar mi apoyo a las familias que a menudo esperan dcadas por justicia. It was an idiotic way of doing crime.". Schaefer, 44, of Novato was repeatedly gored in a prison yard by an unnamed inmate and died the same day. [18] The spark that led to the ongoing war between Nuestra Familia and members of the Mexican Mafia involved a situation in 1965 in which a member of La eMe stole a pair of shoes from a Northerner at Deuel Vocational Institute in Tracy. He is one of three men sentenced to death for slayings during the Nuestra Familia gang's alleged efforts to take over the drug trade in San Jose. When the bullet-torn bodies started turning up on the streets and playing fields of San Jose, it was quickly obvious that a gang war had broken out. This motion was denied by the judge hearing the section 995 motion. 764-765). This Sept, 14, 2018 photo released by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shows inmate Herminio Serna. Thirteen of the defendants faced the death penalty. fn. App. Hernandez exited out of the right front passenger door, pointed a gun toward the police, and ran from the scene. Babo Sosa, his brothers Manos and Buggy, and Art the Rock Beltran are discussed in this exclusive. 7. People v. Dehnel (1979) 99 Cal. 618.) Because the theft of the guns from the Watsonville store cannot be conclusively attributed to the Nuestra Familia or either of the appellants, Dominguez argues that the testimony was "totally irrelevant" and that "the jury would more easily believe they are murderers also having learned appellants might be thieves, " The People argue that [121 Cal. 195.) Arizona, Florida,[2] Georgia, Idaho,[3] Nevada,[4] Kansas,[5] New Mexico, Northern California, Instead, the evidence about the criminal purposes of the Nuestra Familia was relevant to prove the motive for the shooting of Wolfie Fierro. 5. Rules of Court). 5 [135 Cal. 3d 68, 72 [120 Cal. 4 While at a Salinas apartment headquarters of the Nuestra Familia, Hernandez was ordered to stay in Salinas. Tan Mui Choo was one of 18 inmates who Sister Gerard Fernandez walked with to the gallows. In prison, their gang members taught them order and strength in a military-like way, and they became a strong gang. 2 Hernandez described the Nuestra Familia as a rigid, militaristic organization in which members are required to follow orders and to remain loyal to the group under penalty of death. Alex Santa Cruz suffered a gunshot wound to his right leg while "doing somersaults and doing flips to try to avoid being hit" in a nearby grassy, open lot. 6.21.). Sheila's family disapproved of the match, and was relieved when she called home to say she was coming back. Following a 22-day trial, the jury returned guilty verdicts and found the allegations alleged in the information to be true as to both defendants. During questioning by the prosecutor, witness Cobos related the following as part of a conversation she earlier had with appellant Dominguez: "Q. The People correctly note that the evidence relating to gang membership is different than the "criminal propensity" character evidence prohibited by Evidence Code section 1101, subdivision (a). The trial court's instructions to jurors--that evidence of association alone does not prove membership in a conspiracy and that the case must be separately considered as to each defendant (CALJIC Nos. App. Nuestra Familia is one of a constellation of race-based prison gangs that organize and direct the growing subculture of California's inmates. The members are known as "soldiers." The women said they were angry with Paniagua for the killings, but implored the jury to spare his life. Rptr. Outside the Hall of Justice, Chavezs relatives expressed gratitude to the jury and praised prosecutor Matt Braker. We wish they were all here, every day.. App. fn. Similarly, Marina Cobos, a Nuestra Familia member acquainted with appellants, testified that gang members killing an enemy earned a "star," which represented respect and recognition within the Nuestra Familia organization. He makes two subsidiary contentions in this regard: (1) introduction of the taped statements violated Dominguez' state constitutional right to privacy, and (2) admission of the conversations violated his rights to confront and cross-examine witnesses. Serna was sentenced to death by a Santa Clara County jury on Nov. 21, 1997, for the murders of Esteban Guzman, Marcos Baca and Sheila Apodaca. Dominguez stepped on the gas and began to accelerate from the police vehicle. 6.13, 6.22)--also made it unlikely that jurors convicted Dominguez because [121 Cal. 478.) Inmates who received the death penalty are evaluated and classified in one of two categories when they arrive at San Quentin. Since California reinstated capital punishment in 1978, 79 condemned inmates have died from natural causes on the nations largest death row, while 25 have killed themselves and 15 have been executed. These were proper factors which could be used in imposing a consecutive sentence. 2d 335, 96 S.Ct. The men unsuccessfully attempted to recover some ammunition from an area near the spare tire. This means that the fitness determination on the murder count affected a jurisdictional transfer of the cause to superior court, where prosecuting authorities were free to join any connected charges. 330].) An examination of these cases shows that their factual situations are quite divergent from the present one. 6 In addition, Lasolla indicated that the men should kill any enemies of the Nuestra Familia which they might encounter in Bakersfield. [8] Castro then contends that the trial judge erroneously allowed the People to introduce taped jail conversations between appellant Dominguez and Dominguez' mother, since certain statements in the conversations tended to inculpate him. San Jose jury: Put man who killed family to death, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Los Gatos: Hundreds still without power as Black Road repair project finishes early. (Poeple v. Leach, supra, 15 Cal.3d at p. She was 21 when she died. This is the N.F.". Dominguez was arrested after being found underneath the station wagon.