The fine men and women of the Quincy Institute, a new foreign policy think tank seeking to bring more clarity and restraint to a foreign policy community that could use more of both, are experiencing this slander as we speak. Greening U.S. China Relations: A Symposium, The Conversation About Ukraine Is Cracking Apart. (Washington, DC) EPI deals with 12 main issues (including education, immigration, race and ethnicity, and health), and runs three major programs: the Economic Analysis and Research Network, a nationwide network of advocacy groups; the Program on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy, which addresses economic inequalities faced by minorities; and the Broader, Bolder Approach to Education, a national campaign that seeks to remedy issues faced by children in education. Founded in 1950, the Aspen Institute is dedicated to fostering enlightened leadership, the appreciation of timeless ideas and values, and open-minded dialogue on contemporary issues. To do this, the Institute regularly hosts seminars, policy programs, conferences, and leadership development initiatives. The Institute works both in the United States and globally, evenly splitting its energies between the two. Regardless, Hoover has maintained the same basic tenets of representative government, private enterprise, peace, and personal freedom for nearly 100 years. (Houston, TX) Its founders hope that, as operations ramp up in the coming months, the institute will provide a critique not only of the Trump administrations foreign policy, but of the hawkish bipartisan consensus in Washington. (Washington, DC) [8][17], Writing in Survival, the journal of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Daniel Deudney and John Ikenberry criticized the "restraints" that the Quincy Institute advocates for as "misplaced and inadequate". Founded in 1918 with a $10 million endowment by Standard Oil--widow Anna M. Harkness, the Commonwealth Fund was one of the first foundations established by a woman. The bigger surprise of the two may actually be Soros. Established in 1968 as part of the Smithsonian Institution, the Center named for former President Woodrow Wilson seeks to commemorate the ideals and concerns of [Wilson] by: providing a link between the world of ideas and the world of policy; and fostering research, study, discussion, and collaboration among a full spectrum of individuals. Though officially a Centrist organization, most critics tend to agree that it actually leans toward the Liberal or Progressive side (Wilson was one of the first Progressives, while Democrat John Kerry is a current member). If you want to engage in a rigorous debate about Americas role in the world, it can be done without ad-hominem attacks. The Aspen Institute's Board of Trustees is easily the most impressive of the 50 think tanks on this list, and includes such names as Madeleine Albright, Salman Khan, David Koch, Yo-Yo Ma, Queen Noor of Jordan, and Condoleezza Rice. A handful of individual donors have joined to add another $800,000. Other Freedom House--published reports include the similar "Freedom of the Press" and "Freedom of the Net.". As stated in its mission statement, the Guttmacher Institute aims to generate new ideas, encourage enlightened public debate, promote sound policy and program development and, ultimately, inform individual decision making about some of the United States' most divisive topics, including abortion, contraception, HIV/AIDS, and bioethics, and other sexual and reproductive health issues. EPI also publishes State of Working America, a regularly published book that breaks down the economy's impact on the living standards of working families. Located in New York City, the Foundation conducts research, funds scholars at a number of academic institutions, and publishes books and other work through its own imprint. Named for the political position that tries to reconcile right-wing and left-wing politics, Third Way is a think tank organization founded in 2005 by former Clinton Administration staffers. Worldwatch's main areas of focus are energy and climate, food and agriculture, and green economy, the latter of which seeks to offer solutions that enhance human well-being while also protecting the planet. But those of us advocating for more realism are allowed to do the same. Finally, the Institute maintains the popular blog State of the Planet.. Unfortunately, CAP has undergone a number of recent controversies due to its unwillingness to disclose its contributors. Accordingly, in choosing and ranking the think tanks on this list, we employed the following criteria, which look less at the intrinsic merit of a think tank and its intellectual program as at its pragmatic or "cash value" (as the philosopher William James would have put it): (Cambridge, MA) Today, RAND is funded by the US government, a private endowment, universities, and major corporations (especially healthcare), and as such has extended its areas of focus to include everything from energy and the environment, to transportation and public safety. (Washington, DC) The first is its approach to the Trump administration. With the motto Progressive ideas for a strong, just, and free America, CAP deals in major domestic issues such as Economic Policy, Education, Health, Security and International Affairs, and Social Policy. The Heartland Institute was founded in Chicago in 1984, and has become a rapidly up-and-coming public policy think tank. With headquarters in New York and offices in 18 major cities around the world (including Washington, DC), Human Rights Watch is a powerful organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights. The American people deserve a robust foreign policy conversation, but they dont want or need more mindless and thoughtless punches below the belt. Though the Institute officially refers to itself as independent and non-partisan, many think tank watch groups and media sources have labeled it as Conservative.. The think tank develops policy ideas, conducts public opinion research, and hosts issue briefings on the subjects of economics, national security, clean energy, and social policy and politics. [17], In January 2020, The Jerusalem Post reported that a number of fellows of the institute, including Lawrence Wilkerson, Stephen Walt, and John Mearsheimer, had been accused of antisemitism for the ways they have criticized the Israel lobby in the United States, AIPAC, and Israel. Of these members, 16 served as president of their country, more than 20 served at cabinet level, and 17 have held congressional seats. Contact details Website: Address: 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006, United States Country: United States Sub-region: Northern America Areas of focus Featuring thinkers such as Andrew Bacevich and Stephen Wertheim and funded by the unlikely duo of Charles Koch and George Soros, the organization named after John Quincy Adams calls for a restrained, The libertarians crucially represented by the Cato Institute, long a beneficiary of the Koch brothers include Christopher Preble and Ted Carpenter. The number of categories in which a think tank was ranked by the University of Pennsylvania (Lauder Institute) in its, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $7,700,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): <100, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #1 (University-Affiliated Think Tank), Notable Figures: Graham Allison, Stephen Biddle (former), Robert Blackwill, William Clark, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $5,200,000, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #36 (US), #5 (University Affiliated), #26 (Environment), Notable Figures: Scott Barrett, Robin Bell, Michael Gerrard, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $392,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 1,298, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #9 (US), #17 (world), Notable Figures: Michael J. Gerson (former), Rebecca Hagelin (former), Edwin Meese III (former), Walter E. Williams (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $301,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): Unknown, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: None, Notable Figures: Michele Alexander, Carroll Bogert, Kenneth Roth, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $356,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 874, Notable Figures: Drew Altman, Diane Rowland, Mollyann Brodie, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $203,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 993, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #4 (US), #8 (world), #4 (Foreign Policy and International Affairs), Notable Figures: Madeleine Albright (former), Tom Brokaw (former), Colin Powell (former), Fareed Zakaria (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $169,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 2,434, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #1 (World), #1 (US), #4 (Defense and Security), #1 (Foreign Policy and International Affairs), #1 (Domestic Economic Policy), #4 (Environmental Policy), #3 (Education Policy), #3 (Domestic Health Policy), Notable Figures: Ben Bernanke (former), Jon Huntsman (former), Robert Kagan (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $63,400, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 718, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #8 (US), #16 (worldwide), #5 (Domestic Economic Policy), #4 (Education Policy), Notable Figures: 10 Nobel Prize--winners in Economic Sciences have worked with Cato, including both Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman; other notable former fellows include Vaclav Klaus (the second President of the Czech Republic, 2003--2013) and, Political Orientation:Libertarian/Classical Liberal, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $39,700, Notable Figures: Andrew Napolitano, Ron Paul, Murray Rothbard (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $53,600, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 1,100, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #13 (Defense and National Security), Notable Figures: Former UN Ambassador John Bolton; former NEH chairperson Lynne Cheney; author and former Dutch parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali; sociologist and best-selling author Charles A. Murray; and PBS Think Tank host Ben J. Wattenberg, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $121,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 618, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #7 (world), #6 (US), #2 (Domestic Health Policy), #2 (Education Policy), #5 (Energy and Resource Policy), #2 (Defense and Security), Notable Figures: 32 Nobel Prize recipients have been associated with RAND in the last 60 years, including John Forbes Nash, Jr., Thomas C. Schelling, and Oliver Williamson, Political Orientation: Liberal/Progressive, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $59,900, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 843, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #10 (US), Notable Figures: Former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (former); the late Elizabeth Edwards; former Assistant Secretary of Defense Lawrence Korb (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $157,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 279, Notable Figures: Kinsey Hasstedt and Elizabeth Nash, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $67,300, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 461, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #23 (US), #14 (Social Policy), #20 (Domestic Economic Policy), #49 (Best Managed), Notable Figures: Jared Bernstein, Kathy Ruffing, Paul N. Van de Water, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $60,600, Average Media References per Year (by Others): Unknown, though NBER claims it is the second most-cited think tank, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #11 (US), #2 (Domestic Economic Policy), Notable Figures: Milton Friedman (former), Paul Krugman (former), Joseph Stiglitz (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $99,200, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 275, Notable Figures: Khaliah Barnes, Marc Rotenberg, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $117,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 260, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #13 (US), #15 (world), #4 (Domestic Economic Policy), Notable Figures: Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer; Chevron Corp. Chairman David O'Reilly; Former President of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $192,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 692, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #4 (world), #5 (Foreign Policy and International Affairs), #1 (Defense and Security), Notable Figures: former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (former), former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak (former), former Undersecretary of Defense Michele Flournoy (former), Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $41,700, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 546, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #20 (US), #1 (Education Policy), Notable Figures: Harry P. Hatry, Rudolph G. Penner, Robert D. Reischauer, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $103,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 555, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #46 (US), #55 (Domestic Economic Policy), Notable Figures: Josh Bivens, Daniel Costa, Emma Garcia, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $48,600, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 203, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #45 (US), Notable Figures: David Devlin-Foltz, Maurice LaMee, Peter Waanders, Damian Woetzel, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $23,000, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 200, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #5 (US), #10 (world), Notable Figures: Lawrence K. Altman, Charles Armstrong, Cynthia Arnson, Political Orientation: Conservative/Libertarian, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $15,500, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 335, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #19 (US), Notable Figures: Robert Conquest, Richard A. Epstein, Niall Ferguson, Timothy Garton Ash, Victor Davis Hanson, Henry Kissinger, Harvey Mansfield, Allan H. Meltzer, Douglass C. North, Sam Nunn, Condoleezza Rice, George P. Schultz, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $44,700, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 277, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #39 (US), Notable Figures: Claire Berlinski, Theodore Dalrymple, Heather Mac Donald, John McWhorter, Jason Riley, Luigi Zingales, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $62,400, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 276, Notable Figures: Mark Krikorian, John Miano, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $36,700, Average Media References per Year (by Others): 371, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #4 (world), #3 (US), #1 (Defense and Security), #5 (Foreign Policy and International Affairs), Notable Figures: James Acton, Rachel Kleinfeld, Richard Sokolsky, Michael D. Swaine, Moises Naim, Sarah Chayes, Marwan Muasher, and Dmitri Trenin, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $14,600, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #8 (Transparency and Good Governance), #29 (Impact on Public Policy), #42 (US), Notable Figures: George Soros, Jonathan Soros, Christopher Stone, Monetary Value of Monthly Traffic: $25,200, 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report Rankings: #3 (Top Transparency and Good Governance), Notable Figures: Daniel Calingaert, Susan Corke, Lawrence Lessig, P.J. The Institute publishes The Guttmacher Policy Review journal, as well as the periodicals Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health and International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. According to a column in the Boston Globe earlier this week, the group is likely to advocate the withdrawal of U.S. troops from combat missions in Syria and Afghanistan as well as a reduction in defense budgets, and a less confrontational foreign policy overall. Though they publish Reason magazine, they are most successful through Facebook, on which they have nearly 300,000 followers. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. The second challenge is always an unfair one for advocates of restraint, but that does not mean it can be wished out of existence. Though Urban describes itself as Independent, a study by the Quarterly Journal of Economics on media bias ranked the Institute as the eleventh-most-liberal Wertheim describes Trump as more of a militarist than an isolationist, adding, Whatever you make of what Trump is or what he wants, I think its very important to push him in the right direction, not the wrong direction, and also to start rethinking what American foreign policy should be after Trump.. Since its official establishment in 1961, at which time the US citizen groups were consolidated, the Atlantic Council has provided a forum for the world's political, business, and intellectual leaders. On the research end of things, BCP's main topics of interest include economic policy, healthcare and nutrition, energy, housing, national security, and transportation. (Washington, DC) The throughline between the Obama and Trump years in foreign policy is members of both administrations complaining about The Blob. Both presidents campaign on fresh thinking in foreign policy. Its most successful publication is undoubtedly the peer-reviewed Independent Review, which includes articles on economics, political science, law, history, philosophy, and sociology.